Summer Shuru, Masti Badhao: Beat the Garmi and Stay Fit
4 Min Read

Summer here and it’s time to crank up the masti (fun)! . Don’t worry, we’ve got a desi guide packed with tips to beat the garmi (heat) and stay fit all season long!

Hydration Hai Zaroori in Summer (Hydration is Essential):

  • Our bodies lose water faster in the heat, so pani pina (drinking water)bohat jyada becomes super important. Carry a reusable chillum (water bottle) wherever you go and keep sipping throughout the day. Lassi, buttermilk, or nimbu paani (lime water) are refreshing alternatives.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, excessive chai (tea), and coffee, which can dehydrate you. Opt for cooling drinks like coconut water or homemade aam panna (a tangy mango drink).

Dhoop Se बचाव (Protect Yourself from the Sun):

  • Sun’s rays can be harsh. Apply chandan (sandalwood paste) or a good sunscreen with SPF 30 or more every day, even on cloudy days. Don’t forget about your ears, neck, and feet!
  • Carry a dupatta (scarf) or chhatri (umbrella) for shade. Wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays to protect your eyes.

Garmi Ko Matt Dhup Karo (Don’t Let the Heat Slow You Down):

  • The hottest part of the day is usually between 10 am and 4 pm. If possible, stay indoors during this time and enjoy a the rest at home(afternoon nap).
  • Take cool showers often to lower your body temperature. Wear breezy cotton kurtas or lungis for men and salwar kameez or breathable dresses for women.

Desi Diet for the Win:

  • Summer is the time to load up on seasonal fruits like mangoes, watermelon, and litchi (lychee). These are packed with water and vitamins to keep you cool and hydrated.
  • Skip the heavy curries and opt for lighter meals like dal-chawal (lentils and rice) or raita (yogurt dip) with cucumber.
  • Don’t forget the verduras (vegetables)! Salads with chopped onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers are refreshing and healthy.

Desi Hacks for Safe and Fun Summer:

  • When traveling, pack a small cooler with fruits, veggies, and homemade buttermilk to avoid unhealthy snacks on the road.
  • Applying a paste of neem leaves or aloe vera gel can soothe sunburn.
  • Heading to the beach? Don’t forget to build a sandcastle and cool off with some splashing in the samundar (sea).

Also Read : How to prevent sun damage for skin and hair with home remedies

Bonus Tip:

Keep an eye out for signs of heatstroke, especially in children and older adults. If someone experiences dizziness, excessive sweating, or vomiting, move them to a cool place, loosen their clothing, and offer fluids. Seek medical attention immediately if needed.

By following these desi tips, you can embrace the summer with full force. Remember, staying hydrated, protected from the sun, and making smart food choices are key to having a fun and fit summer season!

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